
科技日新月異,孩子們的遊樂園也從鄉間田野、巷道街口變成了電腦網路、線上遊戲。PBS FRONTLINE 的 “Growing up online”報導節目,與大家一起探討,網路對於學齡孩子們的溝通、學習、思想甚至我們每天日常生活的大大小小所帶來的各種影響與衝擊。

The Internet and the digital world was something that belonged to adults, and now it's something that really is the province of teenagers, they're able to have a private space, even while they're still at home. They're able to communicate with their friends and have an entire social life outside of the purview of their parents, without actually having to leave the house.
C.J. Pascoe

We almost have to be entertainers, they consume so much media. We have to cut through that cloud of information around them, cut through that media, and capture their attention.
Steve Maher

You have a generation who's faced with a society with fundamentally different properties, thanks to the Internet. We can turn our backs and say this is bad or we don't want a world like this. But it's not going away. So instead of saying "Stop MySpace, stop Facebook, stop the Internet," it's a question for us of how we teach ourselves and our children to live in a society where these properties are fundamentally a way of life. This is public life today.
Danah Boyd

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